Friday 27 April 2018

What is a chromosome disorder?

What is a chromosome disorder?

A chromosome disorder results from a change in the number or structure of chromosomes.Error in the number of chromosomes (too many or too few) includes the following disorders: Down's syndrome or trisomy 21: The individual has an extra chromosome 21. Trisomy 18 or Edwards's syndrome: The individual has an extra chromosome 18. Trisomy 13 or Patau syndrome: The individual has an extra chromosome 13.

Syndrome Abnormality Incidence
Down’s Trisomy 21 15 in 10,000
Edwards’ Trisomy 18 3 in 10,000
Patau’s Trisomy 13 2 in 10,000
Turner Monosomy X 2 in 10,000 (female births)
Klinefelter’s XXY 10 in 10,000 (male births)
XXX XXX 10 in 10,000 (female births)
XYY XYY 10 in 10,000 (male births)

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