Friday 27 April 2018

Green house Gas

Green house gas

The major greenhouse gas is of course carbon dioxide (CO2) and nearly all CO2 comes from fossil fuels and land-use change. But methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which mostly come from agriculture and waste, are also significant GHGs and shouldn't be discounted.

In order, the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are:

  • water vapor
  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • nitrous oxide
  • ozone
  • chlorofluorocarbons
  • Is co a green house gas?

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is only a very weak direct greenhouse gas, but has important indirect effects on global warming. Carbon monoxide reacts with hydroxyl (OH) radicals in the atmosphere, reducing their abundance.

    Is o2 is a green house gas?

    Gases absorb / emit infrared light if they vibrate at the frequency of the light, and if its vibration has a dipole moment that affects the electric field. O2 and N2 are not greenhouse gases. All molecules of three or more atoms are infrared active

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