Friday 30 March 2018

Blood group and it's Facts

Blood group

Blood group was discovered by landsteiner in 1900 for this he was awarded with Nobel Prize in the year 1930

blood transfusion

antigen'A' and antibody'a' Antigen 'B' and antibody 'b' cannot live together in case so happened this get most sticky which spoils the blood this is called agglutination of blood.

  • Blood group O is called Universal Donor because it does not contain any antigen
  • blood group AB is called Universal receptor because it does not contain any antibody.
  • RH factor

    In the year 1940 landsteiner and wiener discovered a different type of antigen in the blood.they discovered it in the Rhesus monkey,therefore it is called Rh factor.

    At the time of the blood transfusion RH factor is is also tested Rh+ (positive) is given to Rh+(positive)and Rh- (negative) is given to Rh-(negative)

    Erythroblastosis foetalis

    If the father's blood is Rh+ (positive) and mother's blood is Rh- (negative) then the child to be born dies at the pregnancy or short span of time after the birth. (this happens in the case of 2nd issue)

    Blood group Antigen Antibody
    A Only 'A' Only 'b'
    B Only 'B' Only 'a'
    AB Both 'A'and 'B' Absent
    O Absent Both 'a'and 'b'

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