Temperature and its measurment
Temperature and its measurment-Temperature is the degree of hotest or coldest of a body or place.it is measured with an instrument called thermometer. the SI unit of temperature is Kelvin(K)
Scale of Temperature-the common used scale to measure temperature are Celsius,Fahrenheit,Kelvin scale.
Celsius-This scale has a range from 0°C to 100°C where 0°C is the melting point of ice and 100°C is the boilling point of water.
Fahrenheit-32°F to 212°F where32°F is the melting point of ice and 212°F is the boilling point of water.
What is the temperature at which Celsius equals Fahrenheit?
At -40° Celsius temperature is equal to Fahrenheit temperature
F=9/5 C +32
Since F=C
>-4C=32 x 5C
So the temperature when both the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are the same is -40 degrees.
FACT-Mercury is the only metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature
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